Choose the licence that’s right for you

How to calculate the price

We have two licenses to choose from: annual and perpetual. In both options, the cost depends on the number of cameras.

Example calculation:

🔁 Annual license

Setting up the first camera costs 200 €, each additional camera costs 70 €.

For example, counting eggs on one line with one camera costs 200 €. Counting on three lines with three cameras: 200 × 1 + 70 × 2 = 340 €. This amount is paid once a year for the video counter to work.

Advantage. If you find a more efficient counter or cease to be satisfied with the quality of counting products, at any time you can stop paying and try another solution.

♾️ Lifetime license

Setting up the first camera costs 800 €, each additional camera costs 300 €.

For example, counting eggs on one line with one camera costs 800 €. Counting on three lines with three cameras: 800 × 1 + 300 × 2 = 1400 €. This is a one-time payment, no additional payments will be required.

Advantage. You pay once, set it up and forget it – the camera counter always works.

✅ Money Back Guarantee

Valid for any license. If you are not satisfied with the counter’s work within a month after its implementation, we will refund your money. No conditions. You do not take any risks.

Find out how the video counter works by clicking here